"I believe that YOU, and uniquely you,
have the power to create your happiest, healthiest life."

Hello, I'm Dr. Kenny Mittelstadt

Functional Medicine Practitioner

Trying to break through your chronic energy and sleep issues?  Feeling stuck – like you’re on the hamster wheel of health, trying everything you can to just get ahead? Wanting to just feel more like yourself again?

I’m the functional medicine practitioner for you!

I was in your shoes 10 years ago, riddled with acid reflux and insomnia that started affecting my voice, academics, and quality of life.  At my wits end with getting sick all of the time, I decided to search for empowering answers to gain control of my symptoms from their core!

After a “first life” in the music and performance world, I was beyond motivated to answer the big questions that were impacting my ability to feel and perform my best.

Headshot of Dr. Kenny Mittelstadt, functional wellness practitioner and acupuncturist

You may be at a similar crux in life!  Perhaps you’re just trying to keep going – supermoms, working women?  Tired of just trying to control symptoms?  How does taking control of your health, starting from the inside, out sound?

This same questioning led me to both benefiting from and then pursuing my “second life” passions! These were my pursuits of functional medicine and evidence-based, integrative acupuncture and Chinese medicine!

What’s my current “secret sauce” I love leading with?  Functional medicine!  Through functional lab testing and creating personalized health programs, we can find the areas of leverage to help you thrive from within!

My dream is to foster a community full of people just like you – those seeking deeper answers – and those that can connect and transcend their physical issue so they can be free to enjoy a life of social, emotional, and spiritual connection with themselves and others.

I absolutely love exploring the nitty gritty, progressive conversations around how we can create a more “well world”.  First, by starting with our own transformation and then sharing it outward!

I like to lead with this energy in words that “health is contagious, share the love.”

You may be here to start better understanding concepts around functional medicine and health optimization through my blog. Or perhaps you’re ready to work with me online or in-person. In any case, I hope you find the answers you’re looking for.

I strive to fulfill living my “doctor as teacher” life and guiding my clients and patients to masterfully fish for themselves through the often noisy, tumultuous ocean that is the health world.

I’m looking forward to exploring all things around wellness creation with you!  I hope my experiences and information creates opportunities to gain footing in your own wellness journey just as these tools have helped transform my life.

In Health, 

Dr. Kenny

Education & Credentials

Professional Experience


Our mission is to co-create empowered, whole-person healing through the art and science of personalized root-cause medicine.


Our vision is to catalyze a worldwide wellness revolution where individuals are the empowered architects of their healthful futures and wellness is more contagious than all disease.

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